I have a question about data/file ownership etc…
Can I download this app
It’s a Progressive Web App – it can run on your machine without an internet connection IF your device supports it. Currently Windows/Linux/ChromeOS/Android definitely do (they are the ones I use regularly) I believe Mac and iOS will also, but I have not tested.
You will currently need the Latest Google Chrome Browser as (at time of writing) it is the first one to support the technology, but it will shortly be appearing in other browsers
How many people built this
Just me! I do have some help and advice from an incredibly knowledgeable friend!
I love this software! Can I help out?
I set up a Patreon to allow people to support me easily. I intend to keep the software free.
Please get in touch.
The best way you can help for now is Like our page on facebook and share links to the app and the website far and wide – the more users we get the more likely we can continue indefinitely!