As you may have guessed putting together software like this for people to use is hard work. Ideally I’d like to get to a point where I can make an income from this, which would allow me to focus on continually developing the software.
You can help out a couple of ways , become a Patron (for $2 /$5 per month) or a one off donation via paypal of whatever you can give.
If you can’t donate anything then you can help by spreading the word on facebook, twitter and reddit (along with anywhere else you like) – more users means more people contributing.
I spend a considerable amount of time, not only building, but supporting wavemaker so if you like it, help me out and keep it going
ty so much for the best app
but could you support other languages than English.
If you could support Persian it would be great.
ty you again for the best App.
I’m including a multi language in version 4, however I only speak English, a little Welsh and Awful French. SO i’m going to make that something people can contribute to on my website.
Hi, thanks for this great app! I supported you 😉
If you want I can help you to translate to Spanish.
Will do when I’m ready for version 4 (trying to keep it as language agnostic as possible at the moment)
I am using your application now and I find it very interesting.
If you are interested, I can try to make an Italian translation.
Anders Ge
Actually timing is good for Version 4 here – I’m currently getting ready for an alpha version – which should support multi language.
I’m in the process of putting together a spreadsheet that would need translating. If you’re definitely up to do it that would be great.
I’ll let you know when I have it and hopefully you can be my guinea pig for testing?
I can Help for Frensh translation if you want !
Just find you app and it’s very cool.
Hope to see new features soon…
If you need help for the French version, je suis votre homme!! (I’m a native French)
How many lines of text are there to translate? I might be interested in trying my hand at an Italian version.
Hi thankyou for making this
This App it really helps me a lot because I really love writing my own stories and it’s a great hobby for me
I LOVE this app!!!!!!!!! THANK you SOOOOOOOOOO much
I tried with Google Input Tools. Its sits as extension in Google Chrome browser. You can set this tool for your desired langauge. Just pick your language from the list when setting up the tool.
Then you can easily use this input tool to select your languae and type in Wavemaker or any other web based doucments software.
Ill have a look at this
Is there a way that we can send you feedback on different parts of wavemaker?
I have a ‘forum’ on reddit r/wavemakercards that is a good spot
Sorry, I should have expanded on my earlier comment. I was going to offer a suggestion for the mindmapping area: when creating a new text mode, would it be possible to have it show up where the creator is currently working, instead of all the way back at the beginning of the mind map? It really interrupts work flow to have to go back to the beginning and slide the new text node to the end of the line.
Thank you so much for making this PSA. I’ve really enjoyed working with it so far and greatly appreciate all the work you’ve put into it.
i love to help with spanish translation. if you need me, now you have my email
I use ProWritingAid to check my grammar and the “readability” of my prose, and I love the fact that the Chrome/Edge plugin integrates so seamlessly and smoothly into Wavemaker.
For me, this functionality alone makes Wavemaker a far superior writing environment than Scrivener.
Seriously, this is an absolute *must have* app for any writer who is looking for an easy to use, powerful, slick and friendly writing toolset.
Hey, Iain.
Came across your app. I have to tell you that I am impressed with its features. I’m blown back by the detailed notes. Mygod… To anyone who is seriously into writing (and double as an avid reader), that is a gold mine. Like, at first glance, I don’t even have to Google for any writing guides because you have it!
Hey, I have a suggestion. Maybe collaborate with a user or someone professional to design more colour themes or even personalised themes (ie: Iron Man theme “Dark Candy Apple Red (#AA0505), Blood (Organ) (#6A0C0B), Dark Goldenrod (#B97D10), Philippine Yellow (#FBCA03) and Maya Blue (#67C7EB)”). That will add a splash of pop. Aesthetics and a small way we (users) can support your amazing piece of software.
Maybe another edition will be an in-app floating tutorial or an assistant bot. To ease first-timers into the different sections and include a brief description. This is entirely after you feel like you have nothing else to do.
I always try to come up with more ideas. These two popped into my mind for now.
Hey, I would like to support you but I don’t have a PayPal account. I am still a student, no full-time job. So, no Patreon. Hm. Is it possible for an alternate method?
I am volunteering for the French translation, especially now that we have a loooot of time to spend at home ! (and anyway I’m retired)
Hi, nice work with app.
As i look for app with multiple timelines, i probably wait with using wavemaker till version 4.
My “few” thought for an app:
– Option to pin links to create corners would be helpful with mindmaps organization.
– Hide/show mindmaps list button.
Planning board:
– Drag and drop to move whole chapters.
– Notes:
– Add two types of text: topic (short bold text) and text (current stage)
– Allow to add them multiple times to note, drag and drop and stick together.
– Add possible options to topic: “IDentification”, “INheritance”, “Scheme-Text” and “Scheme-Clear”. (For example like discord roles.)
– Add possible possible options to text: “INheritance”, “Scheme-Text” and “Scheme-Clear”.
– Add trigger to note: onclick: add html bold border (or increase border size and change color) to all notes with same “ID”. onclick outside note: remove all borders added this way
– Add three buttons to note: “copy”, “create child” and “copy scheme”
– “copy” – creates identical note
– “create child” – creates new note with only texts and topics tagged as “IN” and “ID”.
– “copy scheme” – creates new note with text and topics marked as “ST” and “SC”, where new “SC” fields are empty.
– “INheritance” fields can be changed and change will affect all notes in this and next chapters, but not previous.
– Add two or three state button to note and/or general menu (show “IN” texts and topics, hide “IN” text and topic, hide repeated (not 1st new and not 1st new version) “IN” text and topic).
– Copy few new features to [scheme, drag and drop, text and topic fields] and from Database cards [tags, images].
Grid planner:
– Drag and drop to move whole rows and columns.
Multiple timelines:
– Allow to create more than one timeline, like multiple mindmaps feature.
– Allow to show more than one timeline at once like by replacing chose active buttons by multiple choice checkboxes.
– Allow to link one timeline to another. Where link is showed as replaced by dot when one of the connected timeline is not visible.
– Add two-four state button (or few buttons) to hide timelines: “none”, “all”, “for visible timelines”, “for invisible timelines”
Calendar option would be nice with options:
– use Earth like date: // or //
– use date in format // starting from 0/0/0
– allow to define date range on timeline and chapters.
– allow to define custom names for months, days, years and their length.
– add special field type to note (with text, topic, image and tags): age and anniversary.
– “age” field would work as “IN” and shows current note age, basing on sicked anniversary and current chapter date.
– “anniversary” field would work as “IN” and have sicked to it “repeat by” type field with options: day, week, month and year. When “anniversary”+”repeat by” meets chapter date (or date between two chapters) it informs author about it. (So he won’t miss something like character’s birthday)
I’ve just started to collate 30 years of travel journals so decided to test your software.
To be honest I really like it – I’ve never used anything like it before as I just started.
I think it’s an awesome piec of software, just have one question.
Obviously this is the purpose of writing a manuscript.
I’ve exported into Word and HTML both of which work fine but:
It doesnt do anything at all with formatting
It doesn’t show the chapter headeers etc.
Am I missing something?
hi, i’m from brazil and your app is the best i got to give my story a concrete path, it did a great job, but i have some doubts: do you intend to leave it only in the form of extension or are you going to put it as a downloadable app? I would also like to know how I can sync my work with google drive so that I can access it on my cell phone, is there a way to do this?
Its not an extension, it is a downloadable app …… its a PWA – if you absolutley must have your own copy you can get the source code from github
The paragraph spacing doesn’t appear to be working on Firefox or Chrome. I have it set to single spaced, but hitting enter still puts a double space. I have to hold shift+enter to put a single space.
Yeah … shif+space …. not a paragraph, that’s a carriage return.
Wavemaker was not intended for FORMATTING, its for writing – the aim is you let it handle the formatting, it creates a semantically correct document – paragraph spacing is irrelevant when you have a sematically correct document as that can be easily set globally
Please, please make an offline save function. I have lost hours upon hours of work because I was working offline and the page reloaded. Other than that, I love, love, love this app.
Are you using version 2 or 3? version 3 keeps a loca database in the event that you refresh accidentally
How to sync between devices? I created a project on desktop and uploaded it to my google drive account. Then I installed WV with Chrome on my phone and connected to my google drive. Then I clicked “sync down” and got an error that asked me to reload the page. Then I decided to download the “wm.wavemakerData” file from my google drive and try to add it with the “Import a Project” button, but I got a message saying that it couldn’t import because it wasn’t a “wmproj/wmprox” file. How to solve this?
Hi try import DATABASE option, the wavemakerdata file is the full database, individual projects are for sending one project to someone, making a snapshot or importing ones from version 2
Hi, I solved it by going inside the project folder, clicking on de rocket icon, then “export project”, save that file on google drive. Then open WM on my phone and using the “import a project file” option.
I tried now with the “full database restore” and it worked too. I don’t know what I was thinking before. xD
Thank you anyway. (:
This is a kick ass tool and one I’ve been looking to get for a looooong time. My only ask is to be able to undo and redo. Other than that, pure perfection.
Undo and redo work – standard OS stuff there? Ctrl-Z and so on
Im having a tough time. I’ve syncing to drive. Suddenly my work is in a code like format. I cant find anything. TY
I assume you mean the file on google drive is in a code-like format
Yes – its a database file, you don’t open it – you need to export to Text or RTF from the export page to get a document
Hi iain,
After exporting the file to a text file, how do I convert it back to a wmdata?
My wmdata files do not seem to be working and I only have txt files.
Thank you for building this. I just stumbled on this app and it’s amazing! A real goal mind of tools for writers all for free. I hope that you continue to improve the already great application you have.
Curious, but do you have anywhere we can submit bugs or write feature requests too?
Great stuff. Thanks again!
I think that WaveMaker is a living Heaven. I write my stories with no problem whatsoever. I LOVE WAVEMAKER AND I HAVE HAD IT FOR YEARS.
Hi! I like Wavwmaker but i am from Czech republic and when i something write , close Wavemaker and come back next day,my text is ,,Repaired” i have a project about Kronos and next day in school is Kronos she not he. Please delete autorepair.
Thank you for a wonderful writing app. I love it, and though it’s not quite Scrivner, it’s probably one of the best writing apps for Chromebook. I love the outline and snowflake features. Thank you again.
I love Wavemaker. It’s great. Would you be opposed to adding an undo button? I have accidently deleted three chapters, and am tiring of having to re-write them again and again.
Hello! If you are on Chrome OS, then you can use the keyboard shortcut, ctrl+z to undo and ctrl+y to redo.
this is a GREAT tool. I’m using it to sort out plot threads on a convoluted thriller and it’s saving me a lot of ink.
The Grid Planner is excellent as is the timeline. I can’t find anything about it I don’t like. It’s amazing you’re doing this for free.
I’m off to make a donation on Paypal under my real name (Joe Chacko is my pen name).
I shall promote far and wide on Facebook and Twitter.
Please keep up the good work!
Hey, have you thought about making Wavemaker open source? I’m sure there are people out there (like myself) that would want to contribute to the application and help. And it really wouldn’t or shouldn’t affect any income you’re already getting on it.
Just a thought.
Love the app; it’s great.
It IS open source….
Hello! I love the software. As a student, I think that it’s better than Scrivener. But why I couldn’t attach images in my chapters? I would be glad if anyone tells me how to. Cheers!
Hello! I love the software. As a student, I think that it’s better than Scrivener. But why couldn’t I attach images in my chapters? I would be glad if anyone tells me how to. Cheers!
I would like very much to be there, a Brazilian Portuguese version.
I tried Wavemaker. A Program error is occurring while I’m working on it online or even offline. I write in my language – Brazilian Portuguese. After pasting a complete text, correcting and formatting, it suddenly loses the formatting and all errors reappear.
I’m also tried the Ctrl + S key, hoping that would solve the problem, but it didn’t work.
So the program is not exactly what it says it is; has serious failure like this one.
I think we talked about this on reddit? Solved I assume.